Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Bourdain's No Reservations in Laos

I caught last night's episode of Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations and I have to say, I came away happy yet somewhat disappointed at the same time. I am a big fan of the show for it's wit and creativity. The host, Tony, used to be a chef who now gets to travel the world sampling local cuisines and customs.

I was hoping for more of the same Bourdain formula. I got a little more history and politics than I wanted but in the end, I was proud that the Lao people represented. I know this show has generated interest in my office of 150 that I run. I have yet to show my wife and my kids the show, interested to see their reaction...

I was looking for more cuisine and local culture though. Where was the infamous Beerlao? Where was the Tum Mak Houng? Sticky rice made a good showing but I've never had an ant egg omelette before. Vienne, have you ever had that on your menu?

1 comment:

DL said...

I just saw the an episode last night and he was in Brazil. It was food, food, and more food. He talks about places and just hang out like all his other trip...unlike his show on Laos. I was very dissapointed.